Training at TL Electronic

Looking for exciting and future-oriented training? 

We still have apprenticeship places available for September 2022 as an electronics technician (m/f/d) for devices and systems and as an industrial clerk (m/f/d). Location: Head office near Munich / Germany.

Interested? Contact us – we look forward to hearing from you.

Every year, several young people decide to start a career with TL Electronic and benefit from many advantages.Requirements for your application with us are:
• High motivation
• Great commitment
• Educational qualification: at least Mittlere Reife (secondary school leaving certificate)

And for apprenticeships as an electronics technician (m/f/d) for devices and systems:
• At least satisfactory (school grade 3) grades in mathematics, English and physics
• Technical understanding

Please send your application to: (Mr. Götz)
