Very current.
Because groundbreaking ideas count.

Especially in the pharmaceutical industry, hygiene is a top priority, from material processing to the filling and packaging of goods. All areas of the production facility must be spotlessly clean and free of any contamination. The entire production facility must be thoroughly cleaned daily, which includes extensive washing down with detergents and high pressure, as well as hot sprays to ensure disinfection of drug processing surfaces. Our team of experts will also be happy to advise you regarding other industries!

The food industry has high hygienic requirements and demanding cleaning processes – a challenge for any IT hardware. Stainless steel systems from TL Electronic are an ideal choice here and are perfect for e.g. to control the processing of raw materials / ingredients, in the final packaging, or to ensure the quality and safety of the end product. We would be happy to advise you comprehensively – start 2022 perfectly equipped with us..